Northumberlandia - the Lady of the North

Business Opportunities

Find out how local businesses can get involved by sponsoring, advertising and supporting Northumberlandia

So, what are the opportunities?
We’d like local businesses to get involved and benefit from this new attraction. There are a number of ways this can happen:

Get involved
Check out the events and let us know if you’d like to participate. If you would like to use the site to host one of your events and support the Lady at the same time, please get in touch.

Donations and sponsorships
As a registered charity, The Land Trust is reliant upon financial support to make sure the site is maintained and protected in the future. If you’d like to make a donation, provide us with some materials/equipment or provide sponsorship we’d love to hear from you and this could provide opportunities to promote your business.
Larger scale sponsorships are also available, so get in touch if you would like to sponsor the site, have your business name on signage, or in the visitor centre.
See our sponsorship brochure here.